Vinte e sete ossos,
trinta e cinco músculos,
cerca de duas mil células nervosas
em cada uma das pontas dos cinco dedos.
É quanto basta
para escrever Mein Kampf
ou A Casinha do Ursinho Puff.
quinta-feira, 17 de julho de 2014
A Mão
1:52 da tarde
sexta-feira, 4 de julho de 2014
Stuffed Quail with a lot of mashed stuff
Today I'm cooking meat, fancy meat.
I had day-old bread, plus lettuce, carrots and zucchinis that need be used, and I came up with this recipe. Delish!
small onion
garlic cloves
day-old bread
black pepper
cayenne pepper
olive oil
red wine
Seasoning the quail:
1 tsp parsley thinly minced
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp coriander
1 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp red wine
Mix everything together in a bowl, and spread it onto the quails, outside and inside the skin.
This should be best done the night before so it could sit during the night.
Mash of veggies:
6 medium potatoes
2 carrots
1 courgette
Wash, no need to peal, chop in cubes, put everything to boil together.
When boiled soft, drain, saving the water in a bowl.
Mash this mix of veggies. Put it back in the same pan (no need to wash it between uses), had half a cup of milk, and a good pinch of nutmeg, and stir together for 5 min.
2 tbsp olive oil
1 small onion
2 garlic cloves
pinch of black pepper
pinch of coriander
300g of day-old bread
On a non-sticky pan in high (very important to be non-stick, or you will end up with a disaster), had 2 tbsp of olive oil, a small onion minced, 2 garlic cloves minced, a pinch of black pepper and coriander.
Let it cook while you unpack the day-old bread in small pieces. Be careful not to let the onions and garlic burn.
Lower the heat, add in the bread and stir for 2 min, so the bread absorbs the flavors.
Add the water where the veggies for the mash were cooked. Add just enough to sock the bread, and not to let it dripping. Let it cook for has long has it takes for it to get kind of a gooey pasty texture. That will depend on the amount of bread and water you have.
When finished, let it cool and stuff it up the quails shallow insides.
PS: My quails came hollow inside, so if yours don't, you have to remove the guts so you can stuff them.
Lettuce Esparregado:
Using the non-sticky pan that you used to make the stuffing (no need to wash between uses) put a big bunch of sheered lettuce, season with whatever spices you like the most. Using the water that was left from the veggies mash, add in just about enough to cover the lettuce. Let it cook until the lettuce gets soft and pasty. Drain it. Serve with the balsamic vinegar and olive oil.
Pre-heat the oven on 175ºC.
After seasoning them and letting them sit during the night, stuff them with the bread stuffing you made.
Put them in a oven tray and let it cook for 1h.
Serve with the mash of veggies and the letuce esparregado.
Very fancy dinner I'd say.
9:31 da manhã
That's tudo
De cada vez que vou ao facebook, sinceramente, só me apetece mandar toda a gente ás favas.
Porque raio se dão ao trabalho de ter debates acessos sobre um filme que não viram baseado num livro que não leram, os quais não fazem sequer parte do interesse pessoal do individuo que inicia a discussão?
Qual é necessidade de dar a conhecer a toda agente que estão a estudar para os exames? Que foram de férias para o Algarve? Que Portugal já saiu do mundial? Que compraram uma t-shirt nova? Que foram ao ginásio? Que comeram sapateira? Porque não se reduzem a ver/ler Game of Thrones, e ficam calados com isso? Querem partilhar ideias, vão para fóruns ou encontrem-se com os amigos no café. Criem um clube do livro no vosso circulo de amigos/cidade e falem para lá tudo o que precisam.
Pelo amor á vida própria, aproveitem os momentos, partilhem-nos com quem mais gostam, e deixem de se pavonear que nem galinhas da índia.
Isto deixa-me duas soluções. Desligar-me do facebook e acabar com a minha conta. Ou começar a dar razia nas "amizades" poluentes que por lá tenho.
Advertência: Muita desta gentinha são colegas de escola, o que levantaria problemas durante o ano lectivo.
O facebook é a unica forma de contacto que tenho com os meus primos da Alemanha, irlanda, frança, Itália, Espanha, Inglaterra, Finlândia, noruega, suécia, republica checa, brasil, canada, usa, mexico, austrália, china, indonésia, Índia...
8:41 da manhã
quarta-feira, 2 de julho de 2014
My Travels
I consider myself a traveled person. And in my travels I've learned a lot of things. Among does things there a lot of cultural specifications that I miss that I can't get in here, or more correctly saying, I can't get people here to understand them, like no shoes inside, or wash hand when you get inside the house, or no tv when eating, or going there and talk instead of screaming/calling the persons name, or do the dishes after the meals, call in to friends houses seriously just for tea.
The one thing I'm happy about this, is that I came across them, and one day I will be able to apply them in my own home. :)
And finally I can get 1kg buckets of natural yogurt in Lidl! And smoked salmon!
And its always lovely to receive a Earl Grey Tea in the mail :) with milk and a teaspoon of honey, delish!
4:39 da tarde