Hoje estou com ranting na ponta dos dedos. Consigo-o sentir fizzy popping dentro de mim.
À medida que crescemos descobrimos muitas coisas acerca de nós próprios, dos outros e do mundo.
Sem querer levantar os suspeitos do costume, mas levantando, há coisas que se desenrolam debaixo da pele, por dentro dos ossos, as quais consigo agora sentir e identificar a causa. E o que não é melhor que o riso que o silêncio?
Posts parvos destes fazem mais falta aqui, para daqui a dez anos os ler e pensar ''que parvo, ah''.
quinta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2016
by: Darkolica. às 3:20 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Thoughts
Hot drop
Beautiful Ireland, my second home, how I missed your kindness, humor, chocolate covered raisens, rocky road and hot drops.
by: Darkolica. às 2:47 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Ireland
quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2016
Fink - This is the thing
by: Darkolica. às 11:42 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Music
And life takes another turn, but this time, I know where it is going.
by: Darkolica. às 11:41 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Life is to be lived
quarta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2016
Disturbed - Stupify
by: Darkolica. às 6:39 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Music
domingo, 14 de agosto de 2016
Zebra one, zebra two
Just 'cause the day was going too good, the universe had to balance it by having me getting ran over on a zebra crossing, last tuesday.
Oh life, just making it very interesting.
by: Darkolica. às 1:28 da manhã 0 Word(s) Pasta Thoughts
terça-feira, 2 de agosto de 2016
There is nothing else to do here but wait... two very long days waiting.
Oncology aisle is just so depressing. I saw what the future might be preparing me for.
At least there is (very slow) wi-fi. Smart me brought a book.
by: Darkolica. às 8:07 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Disease
sexta-feira, 29 de julho de 2016
Are ye just calling to have the chats, are ye?
Today, on the job, something amazing happened. I laugh so much I cryed!
I call a place, and a lady answered:
"Hello, my name is Sarah, can I take your account number?
me: "I don't have one."
Sarah: "Could I have your phone number then?"
me: "I don't have one either. I don't have an account with you company."
Sarah: "Oh, are ye calling just to have the chats, are ye?"
Me and Sarah: *ahhahahha* - huge laugh from both ends
Me: "no, sorry Sarah, I'm calling because of X and Y"
Sarah: "Alright, I'll see what I can do for ye"
Sarah: "Thank you mam, is there anything else I might help you with?"
Me: "Actually Sarah, you can. Are you Irish?"
Sarah: "*haha* Yes I'm indeed, from Cork County."
Me: "*haha* Oh I knew it Sarah, I recognized the accent, I've lived in Cork myself."
Sarah: "*ahha* Lovely! Is there anything else?"
Me: "No Sarah, thank you, I had a great laugh with you, thank you!"
Sarah: "*ahaha* You are welcome, you made me laugh too!"
Me: "It was loving talking to you, it made my day. Thank you. Have a lovely weekend!"
Sarah: "You too, bye!"
by: Darkolica. às 8:06 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Funny, Ireland, Work
quinta-feira, 28 de julho de 2016
After all the places I've lived in, after all the adventures I've had, after all the things I've seen, me, where I now, doesn't feels right, doesn't feel like myself. And "+ 24h" has been helping, but wont fix this feeling, this wanderlust.
by: Darkolica. às 10:23 da manhã 0 Word(s) Pasta Thoughts, Travel
terça-feira, 19 de julho de 2016
Buy it, use it, break it, fix it,
Trash it, change it, mail - upgrade it,
Charge it, point it, zoom it, press it,
Snap it, work it, quick - erase it,
Write it, cut it, paste it, save it,
Load it, check it, quick - rewrite it,
Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it,
Drag and drop it, zip - unzip it,
Lock it, fill it, call it, find it,
View it, code it, jam - unlock it,
Surf it, scroll it, pause it, click it,
Cross it, crack it, switch - update it,
Name it, rate it, tune it, print it,
Scan it, send it, fax - rename it,
Touch it, bring it, pay it, watch it,
Turn it, leave it, start - format it.
by: Darkolica. às 11:54 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Music
quinta-feira, 14 de julho de 2016
quinta-feira, 7 de julho de 2016
The Doobies Brothers - It keeps you running
Weeks new band obsech.
by: Darkolica. às 11:30 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Music
sexta-feira, 1 de julho de 2016
Missing the bus
People say that people change when something major happens to them.
I've had many major things hapenning to me, so I've changed many times.
I first came out of a depression that I only recently discovered I was in back in the days. Following that, i was in a very "abnormal" relationship. Then I went to drugs and came back out. Alcohol followed. Then I started getting sick. And I've been sick since, and I'm only starting to accept now. Accepting that my brain chemicals run around in the other side of the roundabout.
Recently I met a new doctor. He ordered me new x-rays, thats followed with a MRI. He then got very pissed because I was also supposed to do a TAC exam but they scheduled it for september. He then after looking at the MRI ordered a TAC and a biopsy to be done within the next 3 weeks.
When I was going to pay, the lady said I didn't have to pay, and I don't know why. I can only think my tumor is at a level that I'm on the cancerous people list, therefore free of medical charge. ?
Anyways, after that appointment I deciced to do what people don't advice doing and I Googled biopsy videos, and tumor extraction videos. I had a little panic attack walking out of the hospital and watching those videos.
Today I was meant to go home, and I missed the bus for 1min, I not for one second I felt upset for missing it or losing the money.
And I believe this is to do with another change settling in, I can feel it, like the way I don't drink for years, and the way I stopped caring for things that don't matter, i don't stress out with unnecessary things, or how I don't get so upset when something "bad" happens.
by: Darkolica. às 8:12 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Thoughts
sábado, 25 de junho de 2016
I don't think parents love their children the same way.
Even if they say they love them all the same way, they don't. You never love two beings the same way. And I know that. I've taken care of kids, and I had my favorites... I also know that money doesn't buy love. My kids loved me for what I was, and I never gave them nothing major. They remember me to the day.
On the being the child side, the missplacement of love from your parents realy affects you. The biggest one is having to win all the battles by yourself, and instead of receiving inspiring words, getting negative input to your aspirations.
I had to win many battles that my brother didn't because I already did, and he doesn't even knows, and doesn't appreciates it.
Like, I'm the child my parents relate to when they need serious stuff done, and my brother is the child they relate to when they want to show love and appreciation. That is in no way fair. And it realy makes me get upset with them. And they don't listen to me. I repeat the same stuff over and over and over again, and they still don't respect what I say.
by: Darkolica. às 7:02 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Thoughts
terça-feira, 21 de junho de 2016
Psychiatric malfunction
Three things about today:Finaly my writters block to write a motivation letter has been unlocked and it was full on speed today!I remembered there are a few song with my name. Whats up with all the songs called Helena? There is even a beautiful blue butterfly called Helena Morpho! Amazing! Tattoo idea!Lastly, I went to a "conference" today and the lady next to me had an about 1 year old baby with her, and, naturaly, babies can't stay still for a long period of time, and this woman, everytime the baby dropped her water bottle or made noise, spanked her by the head.I can not understand in what world a mother bangs her own child in the head, whatever the reason might be, there is no reason to bit up a child, nor anyone.I really want to give her a piece of my mind and tell her "look lady, if you don't know how to treatment them, maybe try not to have them, abortion is legal in our country"And, beside the limited frame of weeks, there is a law that says, and I quote "... em qualquer momento em caso de risco para a grávida ("perigo de morte ou de grave e irreversível lesão para o corpo ou para a saúde física ou psíquica da mulher grávida")..."
Clearly this lady suffers from some sort of psychiatric malfunction, or else she wouldn't spank her child. Everytime a parent spanks his child, should be getting spanked instead.
by: Darkolica. às 1:06 da manhã 0 Word(s) Pasta motherhood, Thoughts
segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2016
Selective mutism
So, because I can, I watched a few movies this week, something I haven't done in a long time, because although I am in vacations, I'm really not, and I've been working, working in lots of things, and what has been working the most is my head.
Thinking if it was the right choice.
All I ever wanted was to travel, to live somewhere that is not this place, to move and keep on moving, just staying a few years on each place, but now, I'm 25 and I acepted this job, a job that could be someones dream life job, a job, where you can grow within, a job that will grow with you and take you higher up. But I never wanted this. I never wanted to be a corporate woman. And to turn down such an opportunaty, it just wasn't possible. When will such an opportunaty knock on my door again? Never. But the bigger question is, if it isn't something you want, is it an opportunaty still?
And I wonder, I wonder, Am I doing the right thing?
All I want is to go.
Go. Go somewhere. Go to the future and see where this is bringing me. Go back in time and rethink things.
One of the movies I watched brought me back to a certain time in my life...
Selective mutism is an interesting subject. And I know how it feels. I know the jaw pain of that. Although mine could not be called selective, was more of an indifference mutism.
Somehow, wierd has it can be, I miss it. I miss those feelings.
by: Darkolica. às 2:43 da manhã 0 Word(s) Pasta Disease, Thoughts
quinta-feira, 16 de junho de 2016
When you only know you are picking because the person you are talking to is looking at your oddly.
:/ ups.
terça-feira, 14 de junho de 2016
No I amn't
Remembering my beloved Mary Therese:
"No I amn't." *being sassy*
Which in fact, is not wrong! Which in it self it is a very interesting subject!
by: Darkolica. às 11:58 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Au-pair, language
sábado, 11 de junho de 2016
Motherhood and the love/hate relationship with psycology
Is it only me that has problems with my mom? I'm I a rebel, or is it my mother that is on the negative spectrum of bypolar? This can not be normal. I believe I never heard my mother say positive words. I never heard her say "well done" without and irony tone to it. I never heard her say "congratulations on your achievement". I never heard her say "thats really good". And I'm not overrating thing. I'm at the very best under rating it. Today I asked if she is capable of saying positive things, to what she answered "what positive things?"
by: Darkolica. às 12:05 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Thought
quinta-feira, 9 de junho de 2016
A minha mãe acha que usar copo menstrual é mais nojento que usar penso higiénico ou tampão.
Eu penso que o que faz o processo todo ser nojento é o próprio do carmesim escárnio do período a jorrar da vagina de uma mulher todos os mês com absolutamente objetivo nenhum que não o da dor.
Uma coisa que resolvia todo o nojo, seria uma histerectomia
PS: estou a ficar tão melhor a inglês, que tenho de ir procurar a tradução de palavras do inglês para o português porque o meu cérebro não atinge esse nível.
by: Darkolica. às 1:26 da manhã 0 Word(s) Pasta Health
domingo, 5 de junho de 2016
A piada do semestre...
Cenas de episódios anteriores:
Quando pedes a uma prof que sempre foi compreensível, com um mês de antecedência, para fazer a prova oral antes do 1 de Julho porque só tens esse exame para acabar o curso e já encontraste trabalho, e ela te responde "para a próxima veja se está disponível na época designada para exames". Miga, por mim até podia fazer a prova oral antes do exame escrito, quero lá saber.
E tipo, lol, qual próxima vez? Miga, acabou, I'll never see you again mate!
E era o que me faltava negar um emprego porque a universidade decidiu que as aulas acabam em Maio, e os exames são só no fim do mês de Junho... Tipo... Ridículo... Eu não vivo do ar... Não é a universidade que me dá de comer! Sou eu é que lhes pago para me prestarem um serviço, e ainda querem ser ditadores?
A piada do semestre é eu deslocar-me ao gabinete de estágios, pedir o nome do coordenador de estágios, darem-me um nome, enviar um email a esse nome com questões, demorar uma semana a obter uma resposta, e a resposta ser: "Eu sou diretora do curso, mas não coordeno os estágios. Antes de lhe responder a dizer isto mesmo, tentei obter a informação de que precisa, mas não me responderam."
Há lá mais eficiência que esta? Mais uma vez, *palmas* para a FLUC.
Conclusão, devo ter de fazer tudo às três pancadas, mas antes, só mais uma reclamaçãozita...
Enfim, in the meantime, estou no Porto, e vou-me à minha vida. ;)
by: Darkolica. às 12:55 da manhã 0 Word(s) Pasta Uni
sexta-feira, 27 de maio de 2016
I've been watching youtube videos in 2x(double) speed, and when I slow it down it just sounds to slow, like I'm listening to a person thats high, it even gives me that the slowmows (you feel everything is in slow motion, sort of like what you get when you are drunk).
by: Darkolica. às 4:51 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Thoughts
sexta-feira, 20 de maio de 2016
I had ET yesterday in the experiment and today in French class... And it felt very embarrasing...
by: Darkolica. às 4:38 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Disease
quarta-feira, 18 de maio de 2016
Francis Cabrel - Je l'aime a mourir
Et voilà qu'aujourd'hui
Je suis le gardien
Du sommeil de ses nuits
Je l'aime à mourir
Vous pouvez détruire
Tout ce qu'il vous plaira
Elle n'a qu'à ouvrir
L'espace de ses bras
Pour tout reconstruire
Pour tout reconstruire
Je l'aime à mourir
Elle a gommé les chiffres
Des horloges du quartier
Elle a fait de ma vie
Des cocottes en papier
Des éclats de rire
Elle a bâti des ponts
Entre nous et le ciel
Et nous les traversons
À chaque fois qu'elle
Ne veut pas dormir
Ne veut pas dormir
Je l'aime à mourir
Elle a dû faire toutes les guerres
Pour être si forte aujourd'hui
Elle a dû faire toutes les guerres
De la vie
Et l'amour aussi
Elle vit de son mieux
Son rêve d'opaline
Elle danse au milieu
Des forêts qu'elle dessine
Je l'aime à mourir
Elle porte des rubans
Qu'elle laisse s'envoler
Elle me chante souvent
Que j'ai tort d'essayer
De les retenir
De les retenir
Je l'aime à mourir
Pour monter dans sa grotte
Cachée sous les toits
Je dois clouer des notes
À mes sabots de bois
Je l'aime à mourir
Je dois juste m'asseoir
Je ne dois pas parler
Je ne dois rien vouloir
Je dois juste essayer
De lui appartenir
De lui appartenir
Je l'aime à mourir
Elle a dû faire toutes les guerres
Pour être si forte aujourd'hui
Elle a dû faire toutes les guerres
De la vie, et l'amour aussi
Moi je n'étais rien
Et voilà qu'aujourd'hui
Je suis le gardien
Du sommeil de ses nuits
Je l'aime à mourir
Vous pouvez détruire
Tout ce qu'il vous plaira
Elle n'aura qu'à ouvrir
L'espace de ses bras
Pour tout reconstruire
Pour tout reconstruire
Je l'aime à mourir
by: Darkolica. às 7:42 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Music
New job, old life.
So, second round of interviews, less ET. Didn't even need to go to round three.
"I had a feeling about you in the first interview. If you want it, the job is yours, starting next month."
I haven't even finished my studies and I already have a job.
Was it a good call? Was it a bad call? Only time will tell. But adulthood is here now. Bills and taxes are coming!
Is it what I thought I would do? No.
Is it what I hoped my life would be? No.
But to start with, its good. I can get some experience, I can save some money, and maybe later get back to studying or grow up within the company.
For now, it will do.
Revolution is coming their way!
Now... the other side, there is no traveling involved... I wont be living in a new country like I wish I would. And! there are many good well payed au-pair jobs in Switzerland and Norway calling for me. Literaly calling me.
But I said yes, and that my adventure for now. But! what about Ireland? I miss it sooooo much!
by: Darkolica. às 1:01 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Thoughts, Work
terça-feira, 17 de maio de 2016
A piece of mind
Enjoy it the best you can, because it wont last forever.
by: Darkolica. às 1:09 da manhã 0 Word(s) Pasta Thoughts
domingo, 15 de maio de 2016
Extra cash ideas
- write a book: on learning languages, on experience, romance?
- set up a website: teach languages, experience,
- tutor on languages, parenting
- organizer
- babysitter
- cleaning lady
- youtube channel
- yoga instrutor
- restore furniture and sell
- etsy
- gardening
by: Darkolica. às 1:57 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Work
terça-feira, 26 de abril de 2016
I know lots of people have fights with theirs parents, but my mother, oh boy...
by: Darkolica. às 9:31 da tarde 0 Word(s)
segunda-feira, 25 de abril de 2016
Keep calm and scream on
So, looking for a word of advice here.
How do I keep calm when all I want to do is scream at an unreasonable person?
You don't have the smallest idea of how many times a day I say the same things, over and over again, and that person does it again, and again, and again.
by: Darkolica. às 6:06 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Thoughts
domingo, 24 de abril de 2016
Bezegol - Vida que nunca quis
by: Darkolica. às 1:31 da manhã 0 Word(s) Pasta Music
Bezegol - Fora de lei
by: Darkolica. às 1:29 da manhã 0 Word(s) Pasta Music
No, it does not stands for Extra-Terrestrial life...
So, I've had these for a while now, but last week, during what was my first ever job interview, with the very owner of an enterprise from London, it happened again, and I felt ashamed at that moment, and the more I try to stop it, the worst it gets, so today I decided to google it, and the result was Essencial Tremor.
Another for my collection... When will this stop? How can I stop it?
Its like, I can see the tunel, but I can see the end of it, I can only imagine it. And it is tiring.
Oh, and anemia, just to spice things up...
by: Darkolica. às 1:24 da manhã 0 Word(s) Pasta Disease, Stress
terça-feira, 12 de abril de 2016
Desireless - Voyage Voyage
Au-dessus des vieux volcans, glisse des ailes sous les tapis du vent
Voyage, voyage, éternellement.
De nuages en marécages, de vent d'Espagne en pluie d'équateur
Voyage, voyage, vole dans les hauteurs
Au-d'ssus des capitales, des idées fatales, regarde l'océan.
Voyage, voyage plus loin que la nuit et le jour (voyage voyage)
Voyage (voyage) dans l'espace inouï de l'amour.
Voyage, voyage sur l'eau sacrée d'un fleuve indien (voyage voyage)
Voyage (voyage) et jamais ne reviens.
Sur le Gange ou l'Amazone
Chez les blacks, chez les sikhs, chez les jaunes
Voyage, voyage dans tout le royaume.
Sur les dunes du Sahara, des îles Fidji au Fuji-Yama
Voyage, voyage, ne t'arrête pas.
Au-d'ssus des barbelés, des coeurs bombardés, regarde l'océan.
Voyage, voyage plus loin que la nuit et le jour (voyage voyage)
Voyage (voyage) dans l'espace inouï de l'amour.
Voyage, voyage sur l'eau sacrée d'un fleuve indien (voyage voyage)
Voyage (voyage) et jamais ne reviens.
Au-d'ssus des capitales, des idées fatales, regarde l'océan.
Voyage, voyage plus loin que la nuit et le jour (voyage voyage)
Voyage (voyage) dans l'espace inouï de l'amour.
Voyage, voyage sur l'eau sacrée d'un fleuve indien (voyage voyage)
Voyage (voyage) et jamais ne reviens.
Voyage, voyage plus loin que la nuit et le jour.
by: Darkolica. às 10:47 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Music
terça-feira, 15 de março de 2016
Rough times these ones... Harsh to assemble...
Ain't nothing to...
Breath in... Breath out...
Go so sleep, forget about today, tomorrow is coming...
by: Darkolica. às 1:52 da manhã 0 Word(s) Pasta Thoughts
Vida e morte são de extrema importância.
Tenho seguido umas "talks" budistas.
A da semana passada chamou-se "Vida e Morte são de extrema importância".
E tudo o que eu não disse e meditei foi:
"Death is not the opposite of life. Life has no opposite. The opposite of death is birth. Life is eternal."
Spiritual teacher and author
by: Darkolica. às 1:48 da manhã 0 Word(s) Pasta Thoughts
quinta-feira, 10 de março de 2016
Low - Lullaby
by: Darkolica. às 8:51 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Music
segunda-feira, 7 de março de 2016
I have been having these dreams where I'm studying or writting something, and my Tipp-ex ends, not letting me finish cover-up what I mistakenly wrote. I keep having this dream, and everytime I pick my Tipp-ex to use it in real life, I remember the feeling in the dream of not having more correction tape.
I googled the meaning, but I couldn't find any.
If this was metaphore, I would say I trying to rewrite something and something is not letting me... But what?
by: Darkolica. às 4:30 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Ashram, Thoughts
When accepting can't be an option.
Last week was a hard one.
by: Darkolica. às 1:38 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Thoughts
terça-feira, 1 de março de 2016
by: Darkolica. às 7:09 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Music
terça-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2016
Milk milk, lemonade, around the corner fudge is made.
by: Darkolica. às 5:36 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Funny
terça-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2016
Leis portuguesas e a sua estupidez
Será possível que andarmos para trás como o burro do Zé Vaz?
Adopção e casamento homossexual? Aborto? Mas quem raio é que esta gente pensa que é para dizer o que as pessoas podem ou não fazer só porque têm escolhas diferentes! Cambada de panhonhas!
by: Darkolica. às 10:20 da manhã 0 Word(s) Pasta Thoughts
sexta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2016
Motherhood comes so natural to me
I wrote a long post about parenthood, but I decided to refrain to the above title.
by: Darkolica. às 1:28 da manhã 0 Word(s) Pasta Parenting
quarta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2016
Castelo n'areia
A vida é complicados. E as escolhas somos nós que as fazemos, seja optar por um novo emprego, um novo amigo ou um novo país. Seja qual for a escolha, quando está tomada, é final.
Hoje o dia foi complicado, foi longo, foi cansativo, foi frustante.
Hoje o dia foi como uma ida a praia. Passei o dia a construir lindos castelos de areia para toda a gente se maravilhar, às vezes uma onda vinha e fazia uma parede ou duas cair, mas eu não desistia, refazia tudo outra vez. Chegou o final do dia e a mare subiu, levou todos os castelos de uma só vez.
Amanhã não me apetece ir construir mais castelos nenhuns...
by: Darkolica. às 8:19 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Thoughts, Work
sábado, 2 de janeiro de 2016
You are only as amazing as you make yourself
Os ultimos dias de 2015 fizeram de mim uma coisa crescida.
Com o carro do emprego, insignia de 2012, fiz uma viagem da capital do pais para a segunda maior cidade do pais, rebentei um pneu, não entrei em panico, mudei o pneu, e segui a minha viagem de 3h rumo ao meu destino, às 23h, na pior tempestade que ja vi. Dois dias depois fiz a mesma viagem de regresso. Não morri, nem ninguem morreu. Conduzi pela primeira vez para dentro e para fora da capital de um pais (que nao o meu) sem me perder nem panicar.
You are only as happy as your saddest kid. You are only as strong as you make yourself to be.
by: Darkolica. às 11:31 da tarde 0 Word(s) Pasta Thoughts