quarta-feira, 21 de maio de 2014

Faun - Arcadia

Laske juoni juoksemahan
Virka vippelehtämähän
Kullaista kujoa myöten
Hopiaista tietä myöten
Jost'on sillat silkin pantu
Sillat sillkin, suot sametin
Veralla vetelät paikat
Pahat paikat palttinalla

Metsän ukko halliparta
Metsän kultainen kuningas
Ava nyt aittasi avara
Luinen lukko lonkahuta

Ukko kultainen kunningas
Hopiainen hallitsija
Anna mulle ainojasi
Kanna mulle kaunojasi
Kullassa kulisevia
Hopiassa helkkävia

Aja vilja vieremille
Aukeimmille ahoille
Minun metsipäivinäni
Erän etsiaikoinani

Blow some trumpet loud and free
Leave the hills of Arcady
Give thine oaten pipe away
Leave the hills of Arcady
Once the land of liberty
Land of ancient chivalry
Blow some trumpet loud and free
Leave the hills of Arcady

Let the line of forest animals run free,

Let the line of forest animals run free
Along the golden alley
Along the silver road
Where the bridges are made of silk
Bridges of silver, bogs of velvet
With broad cloth the wet places
Bad places with linen.

The old man of the forest, graybearded
The golden king of the forest
Open your wide storehouse
Open your bony lock

The old man, the golden king
The silvery ruler
Give me your only(??)
Carry me your beauties
Jingling in gold
Jingling in silver

Drive the flock to the slope
To the open clearings
During my forest days
My backwoods time of visitation.

Doesn't finnish just sounds so perfect?

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