segunda-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2012


Just so Jupiter and 4 of his moons!

Isla Bonita

Mit Danilo, Benny, Taís, Cris, Daia, Bruno, Giba, Guiherme, Vanessa, Jonas und Daniela.


Concentration camp - 26/Feb/2012

sexta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2012


Taís, Danilo, Daniel and anyone that wants to come.

quarta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2012

Peter and Paul - Renate

Two little blackbirds sitting on a wall.
One named Peter. One named Paul.
Fly away Peter. Fly away Paul.
Come back Peter. Come back Paul.

terça-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2012

BR - Camero

Vinhamos nós (Eu, Taís, Daniel, Rafael e Jefferson) de reciclar as garrafas de vidro, quando um Camero se aproxima.
Jefferson: Olha só cara, para ai para ver passar.
Todos paramos com postura.
Jefferson: Olha
Que coisa mais linda
Mais cheia de graça
É ela menina
Que vem e que passa
Num doce balanço
A caminho do mar.
O cara do Camero faz Tchauzinho e acelera!
Todos batemos palmas e rimos e somos felizes assim na Deutschlandia!

segunda-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2012


Samstag (with Daniel) -> Texas+El bocado+Tiffanys -> Florenciano, Philips dude -> Home by cycling.
Sonstag -> Arrange Daniels kuchen -> Lunch -ovos de tomatada com pasta -> Recycle glass with Daniel, Táis, Rafael and Jefferson -> In the ice with Taís, Rafael and Daniel -> El Pano caffe with Daniel, Táis, Édipo -Schokolade eis -> Al Porto caffe with Daniel, Táis and Daía -Heisse schokolade mit shane -> Bangok restaurent with Daniel, Danilo, Benny, Rafael and Jefferson -Pasta mit gemuse -> Daniel's haus -arrange is bedroom to chill out party mode -> The end.

Peripecias com a Flor - Morrer

Flor: Nós... Juntos... Todos... Eu... A Lumi... A mãe... O pai... O Lio... Tu...
Helena: Sim?
Flor: Nós... Todos... Vamos... Um dia...
Helena: Vamos?
Flor: Nós... Todos... Um dia... Nós todos um dia vamos morrer. Todos...
Helena: *chills*

sábado, 11 de fevereiro de 2012

Best week ever!

Last Donnerstag (Thursday) I meet Christophe Balcombe, a 1,96m tall Caribbean boy, who now lives in Ravensburg.
We went on a Jazz concert. We didn't talk much. I liked him. He seemed to like me too.
Freitag (Friday) he was babysiting, so was I, and we babysited thougther, and it was fun. we didn't talk much.
By night I went out with Taís, Daia, Danilo, Rafael e o Daniel. We went on Belushi's bar. It was very good. I liked it. 30min before the bar closes, some dudes asked us if we wanted to go to their haus (home). It seems that germans are very straight to the point. Daniel got some fun too, lol.
Now I'm waiting for dinner, get ready, and get out.
Daniel will pick me up near Nahkauf (supermarkt), and we will decide what to do next. I just want to get out of this place, they just think that they have me for granted.
It was not a bad day, but it wasn't good either.
I have so much to think, so much to do, so much to live. Wasting my life here...

Chris Balcombe - Caribbean

I miss Chris.
I miss Chris Balcombe. He is from the caribbean. St. Vicent island.
Why? Why do I miss Chris? Should I ask him? We barely talked. But it was fun. It was very fun. It was the most fun ever!
Not even the drunkness of yesterday in Belushi's Bar was as fun as he was.
And shit he is moving, next week. And I will never see him again.
That is what you get when you live far from Home.
I want to be with him.
I miss Chris.

sexta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2012

Precipécias com a Lumi - METAL

Helena: *poem uma música e abana a cabeça, feeling it* Lumi, Metal! *horns up*
Lumi: *sorri*
Helena: *ri* Metal! *horns up*
Lumi: *abana a cabeça feeling it too*
Helena: *ri* Metal! *horns up* Faz tu Lumi.
Lumi: *abana a cabeça e as mãos, really feeling it*
Helena: *LMFAO*

E agora ela está a curtir/feeling it, sem eu lhe dizer nada!
Aweseom kid!

Peripécias com a a Lumi - Cara de bicho

Sabem a cara de bicho do Samuel Massas?
Helena: Lumi, faz cara de bicho. *faço cara de bicho*
Lumi: *riso*
Helena: Lumi, faz cara de bicho. *faço cara de bicho*
Lumi: *gargalhada*
Helena: Lumi, faz cara de bicho. *faço cara de bicho*
Lumi: *faz cara de bicho*
Helena und Lumi: *LMFAO*

terça-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2012

The weekend

Best weekend in Deutschland since ever! (not forgeting the Munchen one, but that was another story)
On Samstag I meet some brazilian people, Taís, Daia, Danilo, Jefferson and Benny.
Taís invited me for skating (skate in ice) in Ravensburg, it was very funny, I felt down a few times. When we were about to leave, we found Benny in the street, and at the same time, Jefferson and his girlfriend Anne showed up, so we went unto a coffe shop and talked, and talked, in german, portuguese, english, spanish, it was really nice. Than they arranged for a friends dinner gathering at Benny's place, and so we did, really cool and chill out and fun and good.
On Sonntag I meet a portuguese boy, Daniel, from Leiria, and we when to a rock concert, in Molke association. Really nice place for young people, and old too.
Than we walked, we had lunch in the hallenbad restaurent, and when to his place. There I meet another german boy,Philip, and we all talked, and talked until it was dark.

So, DO is the word to change your life!
Putting action is what matters!
Being myself again! :)

Peripécias com o Rio - Lilac

Rio: Ei! (não) A Flor tem o lápis lilac (roxo) na boca!
Helena: Flor, tira o lápis da boca.
Rio: Os lápis tem muitas coisas más, e se põe na boca, a Flor depois fica toda lilac (roxa)!
Flor: *cara muito procupada* Ai eu estou lilac?
Helena: Estás!
Rio: Oh ouh!
Helena: LMFAO
A Flor estava precisamente agora a pintar a barriga de roxo!

sexta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2012

Peripécias com a Lumi - Fraldas

Depois de dar papa à Lumi:
Helena: Onde está a fralda da Lumi?
Lumi: *aponta para a fralda*
Helena: Vamos mudar a fralda?
Lumi: *abana a cabeça a dizer que não*
Helena: Tens coco?
Lumi: *ababna a cabeça a dizer que sim* (first time for head-yes)
Helena: :D Sim? Tão vamos mudar a fralda!
Lumi: *aponta para o fraldário*
