segunda-feira, 31 de agosto de 2015

Exercicing again

Last night (23h) I went for a jog around the canal. When I got home I stretched and did yoga.
Today (19h) I went for a walk with the baby on the boggie and the doggie.
Tomorrow I might go to the swimming pool.
By xmas I have to be fitter.

terça-feira, 25 de agosto de 2015

Das OCD lied

Das ist wie andere Leute sieht OCD, "
Das bisschen Haushalt macht sich von allein"

segunda-feira, 24 de agosto de 2015

my OCD mantras

I shall not clean. I shall not clean. I shall not clean. I shall not clean... Not again. Not once more. Not just this once. No. I shall not clean.

Still I feel stressed and I really want to cry and clean. Its like when you build the most amazing lego construction, and a baby walks on it... You feel sad, and desperate, and see all that hard work go to waste, but you can't blaim the baby, and you know they didn't meant it, but still, it feels like shit to have to do it all over again...

Bad weed, bad weeds

Very hard couple of days...
I was very crossed yesterday... Very crossed... Selfarm kind of crossed... And I actually did it...
Very bad couple of days...
I was realy very crossed yesterday... I think I've never been so crossed... And why? Because I was waiting a full year for this day, and when it came, once again, because of other people's hungover, I spend yet another day cleaning. And that's not because I'm OCD, that's because the house really needed to be cleaned, not that I mad a mess of it... But that's all I've been doing, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning... I don't mind doing it when it has to be done, but it just gets me so tired to have to clean after other's mess, specially when that makes my days go to waste, and when they don't appreciate it and don't even notice. I even waste my time taking their bad weeds out of their garden, but they don't even say thanks....
I don't know how they don't see how they waste their amazing summer days staying in all day because they had too many cans the night before...
I was very crossed, and I still am, because they don't realise how that makes me feel, how stressed and tired I feel, how I spend the entiry week waiting for the weekend, and when it is here, its shit, because I have to spend it cleaning...  I'm sad now.
Plus the fucking future ex-landlord decided that after 4month of promesing us an appartment, he ain't got one. So now, after believing I had a great place for next school year for the last 4 month, I ain't got shit. I really want to kick him in the nuts...

sábado, 22 de agosto de 2015

I felt in love while travelling

With the sun and the wind.
With the rain and the rainbow.
With the nature and the landscape.
With the smells and colours.
With the shapes and shades.

quarta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2015

Rory Gallagher - shadow play

That's it! :)

Purple haze hair

Em referência a isto, digo que está finalmente a começar a crescer :), e por isso decidi que fazer isto não me ia fazer mal, só bem.

And yes, I've been purple hazing a little bit again.

Mãos de zombie...

Há  coisa de uma semana ou duas para cá tenho tido dores nas mãos. Não sei se é muscular, ou ossea ou dos tendões, só sei que me doi, de 0 a 10 doi 3, mas é um 3 muito desconfortavél.
Tentei abrir uma garrafa no outro dia e consegui, mas doeu pra caramba, e fiz tanta força que fiquei com as "rodeiras" da rolha marcadas na mão. Nota: era uma garrafa normal de sumo.
Há dias em que também me doem os pés. Da mesma forma. E em dias piores, doem-me as canelas também. Não sei...

domingo, 16 de agosto de 2015

Reekin' in the years

I love the music in the radio in this part of the word!
I love the summer here! I love the sun, and rain, and sun, and wind, and cloudy, and rain again, everyday! I love the freshness!
I love the long days that transform into nights, BBQing, getting in and out of the house, 'cause of the rain.
I love the friendship of it all! And I love that everybody loves me, that everybody thinks I'm the kindest person ever, specialy when everybody is drunk and huging me 'cause they love me so much!
A <3 all="" p="" them="" to="">

Parlez você inglês?

When a Bachelor in English and French speaks them all, even Portuguese, worst than you.
Now I wonder what teachers have been doing... And, now I see how I can make a carrer out of it. (lots of website designing and developing skills having to be added soon) :) Yet to figure out what masters to undertake...
Anyways, Belfast for the weekend, Game of Thrones is calling yet again :) I'm such an international kiddo! lol

quinta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2015

Sexy time

This OCD thing is going unto new and strange places.

segunda-feira, 10 de agosto de 2015

How OCD are you?

I'm dishwasher OCD.

Just another day on a simple life

When everybody is sleeping-in, hangover, until noon on a Sunday and you are up at 9am cleaning up their mess, doing their laundry and their dishes and making everybody breakfast for ending up the day going to bed after them, exausted from all the mess they made during the day, which you ended up cleaning after.

When I woke up today I thought I was going to have a fun day, go out and get some sun and fresh air, see new stuff, see old stuff. Has the day went on, I just upset, and pissed, and mad, and eventually exausted.
Mad at myself, 'cause I'm an idiot for cleaning after others. I feel so tired... I really don't want to leave, but thinking there's tree more weeks of this just puts me in a bad mood.

On the other hand I made a nice flyer for de Ecological Groupe :)

sábado, 1 de agosto de 2015

Bucket list

I decided its time to do a bucket list.

1. Write down a bucket list.

America`s - Greatest Hits

New (old) favorite band
Love the radio around this part of the world during the summer. I love the summer here! :)
If I  hadn't googled them and looked up that they are from the 70's, I would have said they were a pretty steady new band.

"you know I need you, like the winter needs the spring"
"'cause the free wind is blowing trought yout hair"
"will you meet me in the middle?"