quarta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2014


Oh how I miss my dreadlocks, and my hair.
I miss old me.

terça-feira, 21 de outubro de 2014



Kali is the mother goddess of Hinduism.
She is the mistress of Shiva, therefor she is dark..
"Shiva is Kala, thus, his consort is Kali" - Shiva is darkness, thus, his consort is The Dark One.

Now I'm wondering where about did G.R.R.M. got is Kahleesi inspiration.

segunda-feira, 20 de outubro de 2014


A línguistica cada vez me deixa mais apaixonada! Não é interessante como a palavra ladainha vem do grego Kyrielle que por sua vez tem origem na palavra Kyrie (Senhor) e como em finlandês livro é Kirja! Talvez nada a ver, talvez tudo, que é curioso é.

Ladainha -> História -> Livro
Senhor -> Bíblia -> Livro

terça-feira, 14 de outubro de 2014

The way of things

I wish I wrote more in here, but it has been hard to put my thoughts into words. Magic is an illusion. Magic its a hard concept to explain. Like many things in life. 'Why' its a magical question. 'Because' its not a magical answer. Mindfulness is a magical state. Achieving this magical level is a mission that only the enlighted can do. I know some very special pepole. I'm very thankful for that. Although the passage of time and the state of things, life still has a lot to teach me, and diese people make it bearable.