terça-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2014

Loving and missing

Missing you and Loving you are two very different things.

Missing you...
... Is going out with friends and wishing you were there too...
... Is being alone in bed at night and wanting to cuddle...
... Is thinking that sushi is awesome, but with you it is amazing...
... Is wanting your arms around me...
... Is missing shower time... One of your favorite times of the day...
... Is remembering sweet sex with wild love...
... Is blushing at the thought of your kisses...
... Is felling your warm hands on my naked body when closing my eyes to fall into a sleep...
... Is crying from imagining your perfect front head wrinkles...
... Is growing a big smile when you say that Its fun to lie in bed with me talking and cuddling...
... Is missing bedtime stories... Doggydragons...

Loving you...
... Is baking your favorite cake even if you are not here...
... Is imagining you laughing and laughing too...
... Is smiling every time I think of you...
... Is talking with you until late at night, but not really saying much...
... Is making stupid quiz...
... Is tolerating a daywalker...
... Is remembering ...
... Is seeing your twin in the street and still wanting you...
... Is asking you what restaurant you want to go, and knowing you will say sushi, although you don't love sushi...
... Is to be so romantic like saying our love is like a jellyfish, or that you are my favorite lumberjack ever...
... Is realizing that the scariest thing I've ever done is your natural habitat...
... Is telling you to get up, get out, do things, and not do them myself...
... Is considering planing a 1000 km cycling trip, over to your place, just to make sure you brush your teeth before going to bed...
... Is knitting a bed for your cat George...
... Is wondering if our kids will look more like you or more like me...I hope like you! 
... Is showing you traditional music from my country, therefore, dirty lyrics, and trying to explain them to you...
... Is pretending that I was not very sad when you got your job in Apple back, therefore, couldn't move here...
... Is getting happy when you say sneaky things  like "all you have to do is throw your top at me and boom cleaning done"...
... Is crying from happiness when you say you love me in Portuguese...
... Is being vegetarian and still loving you when you say you had chicken for dinner...  My sweet assassin...
... Is being a non self proclaimed Straight Edge and being happy receiving drunk messages from you...
... Is you asking me what I want to do when I go visit, and me answering "dumpster diving"... ... Is asking you if your surprise gift is a trip to Paris, and your answer be like "so you want a trip to the place you're coming from?" ...

Brushes (hair, tooth, make up, painting, wtv, etc)

I came here to complain now, 'cause I just reminded myself that there is a certain very ecological company that needs a very upset email from a costumer: Me!

I got a bamboo hairbrush for my valentine this past valentine. And  guess what?
After two or three uses some of the bristles of the hair brush broke!
And I got very upset!
First, because I gave it has a present, and I thought it was a super cool, very good, useful, cute gift, and it let me down! It is like giving a non working ipod, or a out of date jar of peas, or an "another side of the world restaurant" discount, or a coupon for tampon to a guy! WTV...
Second, because it was the most expensive brush that I've ever bought! My brush didn't even cost half of that one. But, since its quality and price are in a related balance (or so I thought) I can not complain in this part.
Thirdly, because it claims to be all eco, biodegradable, bamboo material, wtv, and I get it, it will degrade it self with time, but come on, 3 brushes and it breaks? And that was not caused by the miss-usage of it. It was not used to brush fake hair, or to brush animals fur! And anything, since it is made of bamboo, and bamboo is an organic material, does things wouldn't ruin it anyway. I don't understand how did this happened. 
I guess ginger hair really is fire, or in this case, a very sharp cutting blade. Maybe the instructions should mention "only for very, very, very, weak hair, cancer like type".

Anyway, putting that aside, I do have to say that I was impressed by that brush, it had a very clean look.
I have a wooden one with wooden bristles, but its painted in black and red, and I guess it doesn't gives it the best or organic looks... 

Being that said, why do I presented a bamboo brush if I have a wooden one myself?

Bamboo grows faster (around 3 years for a bamboo plant to reach an adult stage), with no need of fertilizers, pesticides or maintenance (bonus for "wild"/organic growing), and it is naturally antimicrobial,  so it can be replanted every other year, making it a low maintenance, sustainable solution to replace wood, which comes from threes, and depending on the used species, it can take from 25 to 100 years or more for a three to get to an adult stage, and most of the times also needing fertilizers, pesticides and maintenance.
Mankind is too busy (and to greedy) to wait 25 years for a three to grow, so he just cuts down the ones that have been growing in our planet for centuries, and the abuse has been so big, that we seriously face deforestation.

So why don't I buy a bamboo brush for myself too?
If I already have a wooden one, it is just stupid to trow something good away to buy another one, even if the new one is an improvement. 
That applies for most of the ecological choices.
If one day, my doggydragon eats my wooden brush, and I mandatory have to get a new one, I will get a bamboo one, I just hope it doesn't breaks has soon...

What is wrong with plastic hair brushes?

WHAT is right is my question.
Plastic takes a life span to degrade, and since normal users use an hair brush a year, a new tooth brush every 3 month, drag queens will have all brands, shapes and shades of all kind of make brushes, and every good cooker has a brush to brush patisseries, that is an off load of plastic per person, per year, that one day will be somewhere in the bottom of a river, sticking out in a pile of garbage on a dump close to your city, or in the stomach of a seal...
Bamboo and wood get back to nature, giving it a new chance to defeat evil Karma.
Plus, plastic brushes and bristles damages your hair follicles, breaking them, because of the electric static plastic passes on to hair when it is being brush, especially when hair is wet. Imagine it as some one giving you a caress with his hand, but is hand is a mixture between an hedgehog and a jellyfish. Cool han?

So where can I buy one (when mine gets eaten by a catbat)?

Nowadays you can get eco-friendly brushes more often in normal grocery stores, but if you can't find it in your local shops, just don't give up, and keep on trying. Never leave the environment behind.
Here are some online solutions:
brushwithbamboo (inside this link, there are directions how to get a good maintenance on your brush and upcycle ideas)

Did you know brushes also need to be taken care of?

That's true, you'll have to walk them outside, water them, go with them to the zoo, but most of all give them love.
Now, seriously, brushes, all kinds of it, need to get maintenance, to get a better use out of it, and a longer life span, like everything.
You will need to clean them, remove hairs/toothpaste/paint/make-up, preferably after every usage, but once a week will do.

quinta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2014


Since back when I lived in Germany and came across with this Swedish brand - Stokke - I got fascinated by some of their things, and one of the best creations of theirs is this crib:

What makes it incredibly awesome is its possibilities of changing from a nursery bed, to a childs bed, to chairs, to a desk, etc, making it a very eco choice.
They also have a changing table from the same line. (I'm not a fan of changing tables -> unsafe)
Plus, they use organic materials.

Other eco choices are:

And obviously there are always the ridiculously cute beds:

Since I'm trying to be eco, I think the best is really not to buy any baby bed at all. And if really needed, I still have my own at my parents...
And I could not finish this without talking about the most famous finnish cribe: The Cardboard Box:

quarta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2014


Smart save space storage - SSSS - Stairs

Bunk beds

They save space and make every child's dream come true.
And attention please, the stairs must be at the ends of the beds, for safety reasons. It is easier to remove kids from them that way.


When your kids are born, reserve them an email address.
Over the years send them photos, notes, kid-isms, stories, news about their achievements,  scan/pic of their art work (this can include the cute hand painting they do on kinder-garden, or the lovely wall art they presented you one day you left them unwatched for 2 sec with a crayon), etc.
On their 18th B-day give them the password.

terça-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2014

It is still not Fuck This Shit O'clock

Obviously my OCD is going all sort of places, if at 6am, on a sleepless night, I just find myself toothbrush brushing my sink and sink tab... And than I look myself in the mirror, and I can not see me. I can see a girl, with messy hair, face full of scars, scratched neck, crazy eyed look...
And Nev reminds me of Miguel.