segunda-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2014

The monstruation cup

The moment you realise you are part of this team: 
And how many hour you have spent online reading about it.
And you realise it when you write 10 lines about it, in 2 min, and it doesn't feels grosse.

I have known about menstruation cups for many many years, I guess the thought was just growing on me. When I got the package on the mail, my mom thought I was nuts, but she always does.

Second month with my monstruation cup coming up soon! :D

sexta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2014

Merry Vishnu

Right view, Right intention, Right speech, Right action,
Right livelihood, Right effort, Right mindfulness and Right concentration

terça-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2014

This shit:

Guess what? 4 new ones.
Quess what? I hate this fucking shit.

This is not me.
This fucked up hair I have, this is not me.

I want to dye it, and I want to had up extensions.

I want to tie it, and braid it.
 I want to be me again, but I can't. 

quarta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2014


Depois de 3 dias a "treinar" para um teste de 2h, cheguei a um resultado, agora tenho de o enfiar na cabeça, com uma palhinha, pelas narinas, I guess? Ou pelas covas dos olhos?
Se não for isto o que sai no teste, acho que pânico ali na hora. E se chumbo a cadeira, até me passo, depois de tanto trabalho!
Anyways, hoje o médico disse que não posso fazer esforços com a mão direita, porque esta está, literalmente, tipo, prestes a partir-se. A solução encontrada foi esperar que se parta para operar. Echt? Mais raios-x serão feito para ver e o tumor não alastrou e não se encontra em mais nenhum osso, se não ai a coisa fica feia - Expressionismo?Eu já nem quero saber de escrever ou teclar, nem dos tricos nem rendas, eu quero é saber como raio me vou masturbar agora? lol

terça-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2014


Tenho a cabeça feita em água. Gostava de ir dormir. Amanhã tenho de me levantar ás 7h. Entretinham ou entretiam?
Sou só eu que quando ando de avião olho para baixo para o mar a tentar ver peixes?

Em que te dás

Tu estás livre e eu estou livre
E há uma noite para passar
Porque não vamos unidos
Porque não vamos ficar
Na aventura dos sentidos

Tu estás só e eu mais só estou
Tu que tens o meu olhar
Tens a minha mão aberta
À espera de se fechar
Nessa tua mão deserta

Vem que amor
Não é o tempo
Nem é o tempo
Que o faz
Vem que amor
É o momento
Em que eu me dou
Em que te dás

Tu que buscas companhia
E eu que busco quem quiser
Ser o fim desta energia
Ser um corpo de prazer
Ser o fim de mais um dia

Tu continuas à espera
Do melhor que já não vem
E a esperança foi encontrada
Antes de ti por alguém
E eu sou melhor que nada

Vem, que o amor, não é tempo, nem é o tempo, que o faz.
Vem, que amor, é o momento, em que eu me dou, em que te dás.
Vem, que o tempo, não é o momento, que o amor, te faz.
Vem, que o que me faz, não é o que eu te dou, é o momento do amor do tempo.

domingo, 14 de dezembro de 2014


It's has been a long time since I saw Baraka last. This only shows to me how bussy I must have been lately for spending so much time without watching it.
University hasn't made me happier, and sometimes I wonder why do I keep on studying, since it is not what I wanted to be doing right now, but, enlightment doesn't comes easy, and one has to go after it...

domingo, 7 de dezembro de 2014


Thinking about xmas presents, take note on:
- Thinking on a small thingy to gift Sjard!
- Bringing Queijo da Serra for the neighbours!
- Making a fabric necklace - shipping it;
- Making a multi-strand necklace - shipping it;
- Making a crochet necklace - shipping it;
- Making a hardware bracelet - backpack it;
- Baking loads of bolachichas de areia - shipping it;
- Making a fake-secret-hideaway-spot-book - backpack it;
- Making a notebook - backpack it;
- Making a scarf - backpack it;
- Reply to Rozen and Inês letters, and think of presents for them!;
- Send a xmas post card to my kids, The Buckleys, Joe and Hävard;
- Send a nice xmas email to Lance, Dany and Daniel, Ben, Ciccio, Sil, Noe;
- What to get Dri???
- My godmother...
- Don't forget about George!!!

Is it just me, or all these gifting makes it feel very superficial? I really try my best to think of what one needs, and try to make it myself. But, like, most of these people don't really need an specific idem, and I don't want to give something useless, it is not ecological and, I don't know, it doesn't feels fully hearted! That's why I try to make my gifts. And backing good are always welcome, I guess.
If it was me, would I prefer to get another pajama, or some karjalanpiirakka? Get fluffy socks or Maultaschen? One more top or chouquettes? A cute necklace or rhubarb pie?
Hmm, I think I've proven my point. Gluttony is my sin.
But by the way, I think I'm getting boading balls :) Great for stress relief and physiotherapy! And reflexology is just magic!
My new collection is starting!!! Stress relief related stuff!

sábado, 29 de novembro de 2014


E depois de 3 dias intensivos engripada à lareira a escrever papers para Cultura Francesa, sobre a Trági-Comédia, sobre o Humanismo francês do século XVI, e sobre o estranho Moderato Cantabile, descobri que tenho uma magnólia linda no jardim? :) E que já fui a um jardim magnífico repleto de magnólias enormes de várias cores?

Conclusão: Não importa o quão chato e cansativo escrever papers possa ser, o que importa é chegar ao fim e dizer "Hoje aprendi algo novo, algo que me surpreendeu, não me mantive na rotina, sai do eixo, sei algo mais."
Downside: Sinto que ultimamente isto só serve para falar de estudos, escola, trabalhos. Sinto que não faço mais nada da vida. Recebi uma carta esta semana, o que me fez lembrar de carta que recebi em Outubro à qual ainda não respondi. O que me fez pensar nos postais de natal, que tem de começar a ser enviados. Oh Gosh, onde vou eu ver de tempo para viver? Nas próximas 3 semanas tenho:
Inglês: Paper, teste, oral
Alemão3: Vokalbelntest, teste, oral
Alemão5: Teste, traduções, oral 1 e 2
Tradução De-Pt: mil e uma traduções
Francês5: teste, oral
Cultura Francesa 2: papers, teste
Literatura Francesa 2: paper, teste
Literatura Alemã 2: teste, papers, trabalho
Análise do Discurso: maybe começar a estudar para o exame?
Língua Gestual Portuguesa: praticar?
Wiehnaschtsfeiern: organizar
Consulta de ortopedia.

Mas de animo mais vale, tenho de ver que esta semana fui à piscina outra vez, e tive um muito relaxante momento a boiar de olhos fechados. Contudo, o banho que se segui, com bolas de cabelo não mão, não foi nada relaxante...
Plus, na outra semana fui a casa  do Sr. Reitor, num convivo muito amigável, ecológico, e most of all, de troca de receitas. Fiz Deutsches Brot und Apfelkuche. :) O Sr. Reitor gostou muito!
I try, and I do my best.

segunda-feira, 24 de novembro de 2014

quinta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2014

As três figueiras.

Buddhist legend tells that Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment (bodhi) while meditating underneath a Ficus religiosa. The site is in present day Bodh Gaya in Bihar, India. The original tree was destroyed, and has been replaced several times. A branch of the original tree was rooted in AnuradhapuraSri Lanka in 288 BCE and is known as Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi; it is the oldest flowering plant (angiosperm) in the world.
Jesus cursed one fig tree one time, and the tree overcame his curse.

According to Pythagoras and the Pythagorean school, the number 3, which they called triad, is the noblest of all digits, as it is the only number to equal the sum of all the terms below it, and the only number whose sum with those below equals the product of them and itself.
3 were the number fof times the devil tempted Jesus.
And 3 is the Hindu TrimurtiBrahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Shiva the Destroyer.

When doing analyses of German Literature becomes interesting!!!


Eu carcomo
Tu carcomes
Ele carcome
Nós carcomemos
Vós carcomeis
Eles carcomem-nos



quarta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2014

Eu sou tanto mais.

Os meus professores deviam ter duas aulas.
A primeira de informática. Acho que não se perdoa a ninguém com um mestrado/doutoramento, professor numa universidade não saber ligar o retro-projector e etc. Tal como têm formações de professores, podiam ter uns workshops de informática, não lhes fazia mal nenhum (Sorry Sr. Jorge). Mais, o Nónio existe para alguma coisa.
A segunda de psicologia. Estudos mostram que após 90min a concentração extravia-se. Estudos mostram que isto causa stress. Estudos mostram que um individuo para se manter saudável deve dormir pelo menos 8h e fazer exercício, comer a horas fixas, vegan wise.
(Lindos) Entrar todos os dias ás 9h e sair dois dias ás 20h e um ás 21h15, comer, tomar banho, dormir e essas coisas normais da vida, torna-se muito complicado ter tpcs todos os dias, plus papers/essays/resumes/analyses/readings/translations/puta-que-os-pariu. Mais, depois de ter aulas o dia todo, a aula das 18h ás 20h não me dá conhecimento nenhum, dá-me cansaço e carcome-me o cérebro todo. E Konsekutiv Nebensatz? What kind of sorcery is that? Até me deu uma quebra de tenção de tanto pensar, literalmente. Ler bibliografia? ah. Gostava muito.
Assim não tenho tempo para ser quem sou/quero ser. Tempo para trabalhar no Grupo Ecológico? Tempo para ler? Tempo para meditar? Tempo para yoga? Tempo para ir à piscina? Tempo para cozinhar? Tempo para ser um individuo, singular, com interesses e actividades? Eu quero desfrutar da vida. Qual é a piada da vida se ela são só obrigações. Quero ser livre. Eu não quero ser um zombie estudante. Não quero ser mais uma que só faz uma coisa de cada vez -> estudar. Não quero ser definida por isso. Eu não sou só isso. Eu sou tanto mais. E sinto-me tão cansada.
E as quedas de cabelo continuam. E o bruxismo apareceu. E as palpitações começaram.

terça-feira, 18 de novembro de 2014


Anneke Van Giersbergeb - The Power of Love

Magestic voice.

Anneke van Giersbergen & Danny Cavanagh - The Blower's Daughter

Two amazing musiciens. Teatro Nescafe de las Artes.

And so it is
Just like you said it would be
Life goes easy on me
Most of the time
And so it is
The shorter story
No love, no glory
No hero in her sky

I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes...

And so it is
Just like you said it should be
We'll both forget the breeze
Most of the time
And so it is
The colder water
The blower's daughter
The pupil in denial

I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes...

Did I say that I loathe you?
Did I say that I want to
Leave it all behind?

I can't take my mind off of you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off of you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind...
My mind...
'Til I find somebody new

The Goo Goo Dolls - I don't want the world to see me

domingo, 16 de novembro de 2014

MDB - Base Level Erotica

What do you see
What do you see when eyes are closed
What do you feel
What do you feel when she's below
Who do you want
Who do you want her to be. A star
What do you see
What do you see when eyes flick open
Take her clothes off
Down to the bone now
She's looking dirty
She's taking you, you're losing control
You're going down
You're lying naked
You're underneath now
And looking dirty
You're taking her and you're going down
Tasting her, tasting you
You feel like the god of all love
Young women fall and die at your feet
One by one you will savage them all
She licks you hard
She will swallow it all
She'll suck you dry
And beg for more
And then want more
The heat is on and you're dripping wet
On the floor

I want to dance.


Gosh, Biology is something special.
I've never been a very cycle orientated woman. I never know when my monstruation is coming, or if it is late. I'm so off, that sometimes I wonder "hmm, have I had my period already this month?", and that only means that I don't see it has a stressful or troubeling thing, like many women do.
Yes it hurts like a bitch. I get cramps, low blood pressure, headaches, breast pain, colics, mood swings, but it doesn't feels like a burden.
And I've never had "scary moments" and I don't understand how other women have them, even thou they take the pill and I don't (another story for another time). I just play by the rules, and let it happen, when its here, its here. But whats funny, is that I do can tell when I'm ovulating. I get so horny! Everything is sexual, all things look sexy, my full body is craving. Sometimes I have to look away from sexy man in school. Specialy from the ones that used to have long(er) hair. And than we have german literature and their erotic poetry. Flamingos? I will never look at them the same way.

quarta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2014


Oh how I miss my dreadlocks, and my hair.
I miss old me.

terça-feira, 21 de outubro de 2014



Kali is the mother goddess of Hinduism.
She is the mistress of Shiva, therefor she is dark..
"Shiva is Kala, thus, his consort is Kali" - Shiva is darkness, thus, his consort is The Dark One.

Now I'm wondering where about did G.R.R.M. got is Kahleesi inspiration.

segunda-feira, 20 de outubro de 2014


A línguistica cada vez me deixa mais apaixonada! Não é interessante como a palavra ladainha vem do grego Kyrielle que por sua vez tem origem na palavra Kyrie (Senhor) e como em finlandês livro é Kirja! Talvez nada a ver, talvez tudo, que é curioso é.

Ladainha -> História -> Livro
Senhor -> Bíblia -> Livro

terça-feira, 14 de outubro de 2014

The way of things

I wish I wrote more in here, but it has been hard to put my thoughts into words. Magic is an illusion. Magic its a hard concept to explain. Like many things in life. 'Why' its a magical question. 'Because' its not a magical answer. Mindfulness is a magical state. Achieving this magical level is a mission that only the enlighted can do. I know some very special pepole. I'm very thankful for that. Although the passage of time and the state of things, life still has a lot to teach me, and diese people make it bearable.

sexta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2014

Ça foda.

Era uma vez uma menina que gostava de trabalhos manuais, até que um dia foi ao médico, e o médico lhe disse que por causa do tumor que tinha no osso da mão, não podia fazer mais trabalhos manuais. A menina ficou triste, mas pensou "vai ca esquerda".

Ballade des dames du temps jadis

Et Jeanne, la bonne Lorraine
Qu'Anglais brûlèrent à Rouen;
Où sont-ils, où, Vierge souvraine?
Mais où sont les neiges d'antan?

quarta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2014

Not the best begining

Not liking this at all. Too many classes to attend, too many homework to do, already, and way to hard for me. Not enough time for anything. Alone all the time. In an empty house. I do not like this.

quinta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2014


Só para assinalar a semana. Lágrimas e muita felicidade, apesar de todos os contra-tempos. Quem me dera poder voar contigo.
Ás vezes penso, e ainda não acredito que é verdade. E agora há um puppy.

sexta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2014

Anathema - Presence

One has to come to terms with one's own mortality.
And you can't really help people who are having problems with mortality,
If you've got problems of your own.
So you have to begin to sort things out,
And I thought I had sorted things out until I saw this excerpt from this book,
Of certainty I shall remember what it said:
"Life is not the opposite of death. Death is the opposite of birth. Life is eternal."
And I thought that it's the most profound words I have ever heard about that issue and it really put me in peace.
(I felt it was a wonderful story.)
And that's it.
What else is there to say?
Life is eternal.
Surely the opposite of life is not the death, but life is eternal.
There is no opposite.
And so, what happens is, I suppose,
(and isn't it a raging or outrageous)
State of pure consciousness, stillness and silence?
Yeah, what we are looking for now,
We are searching for and we have been searching for,
Now we've become closer it and now we know it's already there,
Is there for ever to seek,
It's there,
And it's going be there,
All the time,

Only you can hear your life

Only you can heal inside

(Life is eternal...)
Fez ontem dois meses que o meu padrinho morreu... Inesperadamente, num momento tão feliz, foi-se embora... Deixou-se levar... Ou levaram-no... 
Já pensei tantas vezes nisto... E se não tivesse ido? E se estivesse mais perto? E se estivesse a chover? E se? E se? E se... 
E se não há mais nada? E se foi em vão? E se não foi feliz? E se chora? Porquê?
Porquê? Porque deixou a minha madrinha sozinha? Porque é que ela não foi com ele, como sempre foram juntos a todo o lado? Será que está sozinho agora?
Porquê? Se existe céu, e um Deus, e bondade, e amor, porquê ele? Porquê agora? Porquê ali? Porquê? Porquê levar uma pessoa tão boa, tão maravilhosa? Tenho saudades dele. Para sempre.
Desde novos a velhos, mais de 1000 pessoas no funeral. Até foi noticia de jornal. Porquê é que nenhuma delas estava lá para o ajudar? Porque é que ninguém o pode salvar? 

Foi a morte que me doeu mais.
E se a mim me dói, o quanto doí à minha madrinha, à irmã dele, aos pais dele.
E se a mim me dói, o quanto me irá doer a morte dos meus pais, do meu irmão? Como é que alguém aguenta uma dor assim?
Eu nunca tinha visto o meu pai chorar... Ele fez mais de 3000km em dois dias para poder vir ao funeral.
Ir a casa deles e não vê-lo a abrir-me a porta... A dar-me grandes abraços... A ser brincalhão...

segunda-feira, 18 de agosto de 2014

Antony and the Johnsons - Knocking on Heaven's door

Mama, take this badge off of me
I can't use it anymore.
It's gettin' dark, much too dark to see
I feel like I'm knocking on heaven's door

Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door

Mama, put my guns in the ground
I can't shoot them anymore
That long black cloud is comin' down
I feel I'm knockin' on heaven's door

Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door

Mama, wipe the blood from my face
I'm sick and tired of the war
Don't know if it's night or if it's the sun rising high
Scared of knockin' on heaven's door

Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Antony Hegarty  is one talented man.

CocoRosie - Beautiful boyz

No more of those beautiful boys
No more of those beautiful boys

Born illegitimately to a whore most likely
He became an orphan
Oh, what a lovely orphan
He was sent to the reformatory
Ten years old, it was his first glory
Got caught stealing from a nun
Now his love story had begun

Thirty years he spent wandering
A devil's child with dove wings
Oh, he went to prison
In every country he set foot in
Oh, how he loved - he loved prison
How awfully lovely was prison

All those beautiful boys
Pimps and queens and criminal queers
All those beautiful boys
Tattoos of ships and tattoos of tears

His greatest love was executed
The pure romance was undisputed
Angelic hoodlums and holy ones
Angelic hoodlums and holy ones

All those beautiful boys
Pimps and queens and criminal queers
All those beautiful boys
Tattoos of ships and tattoos of tears

All those beautiful boys
Pimps and queens and criminal queers
All those beautiful boys
Tattoos of ships and tattoos of tears

All those beautiful boys
Beautiful boys

All those beautiful boys
No more of those beautiful boys
No more of those beautiful boys

Lana del Rey - Once upon a dream

domingo, 10 de agosto de 2014

Danilo Lind - Like you Do

So here we are not making a scene,
'cause that is what it is all about it seams,
I can not live like that,

The great responsibility,
That everything must come to be,
Notting ever sensing noise,

How could you say,
That everyone needs,
To swing and sway,
Lie you do,

Another verdict brakes the case,
Another route might end the chase,
But never give up your hope,


The business is coming undone (?)
This live is worth to live in, after all,
Can dream anything up
Without nothing else something else,
But anything is worth the try,

She gets me high...

[Chorus] x3

I'm so blessed for having such talented friends!

Not missing Coimbra a fucking damn shit.

Semana passada fui a Coimbra. Deu-me logo a azia assim que entrei na cidade. Perdi o apetite, a paciência e o ar. Assim que as placas deixaram de dizer Coimbra e passaram a dizer Figueira da Foz, fiquei com uma alma nova. E quando vi o meu hogar, paz restabelecida.
Não tenho nada para dizer àquela cidade.

quinta-feira, 17 de julho de 2014

A Mão

Vinte e sete ossos,
trinta e cinco músculos,
cerca de duas mil células nervosas
em cada uma das pontas dos cinco dedos.
É quanto basta
para escrever Mein Kampf
ou A Casinha do Ursinho Puff.

Wislawa Szymborska

Não é por isto que não gosto de poesia.

sexta-feira, 4 de julho de 2014

Stuffed Quail with a lot of mashed stuff

Today I'm cooking meat, fancy meat.
I had day-old bread, plus lettuce, carrots and zucchinis that need be used, and I came up with this recipe. Delish!

small onion
garlic cloves
day-old bread
black pepper
cayenne pepper
olive oil
red wine

Seasoning the quail:
1 tsp parsley thinly minced
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp coriander
1 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp red wine

Mix everything together in a bowl, and spread it onto the quails, outside and inside the skin.
This should be best done the night before so it could sit during the night.

Mash of veggies:
6 medium potatoes
2 carrots
1 courgette

Wash, no need to peal, chop in cubes, put everything to boil together.
When boiled soft, drain, saving the water in a bowl.
Mash this mix of veggies. Put it back in the same pan (no need to wash it between uses), had half a cup of milk, and a good pinch of nutmeg, and stir together for 5 min.

2 tbsp olive oil
1 small onion
2 garlic cloves
pinch of black pepper
pinch of coriander
300g of day-old bread

On a non-sticky pan in high (very important to be non-stick, or you will end up with a disaster), had 2 tbsp of olive oil, a small onion minced, 2 garlic cloves minced, a pinch of black pepper and coriander.
Let it cook while you unpack the day-old bread in small pieces. Be careful not to let the onions and garlic burn.
Lower the heat, add in the bread and stir for 2 min, so the bread absorbs the flavors.
Add the water where the veggies for the mash were cooked. Add just enough to sock the bread, and not to let it dripping. Let it cook for has long has it takes for it to get kind of a gooey pasty texture. That will depend on the amount of bread and water you have.
When finished, let it cool and stuff it up the quails shallow insides.
PS: My quails came hollow inside, so if yours don't, you have to remove the guts so you can stuff them.

Lettuce Esparregado:
Using the non-sticky pan that you used to make the stuffing (no need to wash between uses) put a big bunch of sheered lettuce, season with whatever spices you like the most. Using the water that was left from the veggies mash, add in just about enough to cover the lettuce. Let it cook until the lettuce gets soft and pasty. Drain it. Serve with the balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

Pre-heat the oven on 175ºC.
After seasoning them and letting them sit during the night, stuff them with the bread stuffing you made.
Put them in a oven tray and let it cook for 1h.
Serve with the mash of veggies and the letuce esparregado.

Very fancy dinner I'd say.

That's tudo

De cada vez que vou ao facebook, sinceramente, só me apetece mandar toda a gente ás favas.
Porque raio se dão ao trabalho de ter debates acessos sobre um filme que não viram baseado num livro que não leram, os quais não fazem sequer parte do interesse pessoal do individuo que inicia a discussão?
Qual é necessidade de dar a conhecer a toda agente que estão a estudar para os exames? Que foram de férias para o Algarve? Que Portugal já saiu do mundial? Que compraram uma t-shirt nova? Que foram ao ginásio? Que comeram sapateira?  Porque não se reduzem a ver/ler Game of Thrones, e ficam calados com isso? Querem partilhar ideias, vão para fóruns ou encontrem-se com os amigos no café. Criem um clube do livro no vosso circulo de amigos/cidade e falem para lá tudo o que precisam.
Pelo amor á vida própria, aproveitem os momentos, partilhem-nos com quem mais gostam, e deixem de se pavonear que nem galinhas da índia.
Isto deixa-me duas soluções. Desligar-me do facebook e acabar com a minha conta. Ou começar a dar razia nas "amizades" poluentes que por lá tenho.
Advertência: Muita desta gentinha são colegas de escola, o que levantaria problemas durante o ano lectivo.
O facebook é a unica forma de contacto que tenho com os meus primos da Alemanha, irlanda, frança, Itália, Espanha, Inglaterra, Finlândia, noruega, suécia, republica checa, brasil, canada, usa, mexico, austrália, china, indonésia, Índia...

quarta-feira, 2 de julho de 2014

I wanted to post a picture today.

My Travels

I consider myself a traveled person. And in my travels I've learned a lot of things. Among does things there a lot of cultural specifications that I miss that I can't get in here, or more correctly saying, I can't get people here to understand them, like no shoes inside, or wash hand when you get inside the house, or no tv when eating, or going there and talk instead of screaming/calling the persons name, or do the dishes after the meals, call in to friends houses seriously just for tea.
The one thing I'm happy about this, is that I came across them, and one day I will be able to apply them in my own home. :)
And finally I can get 1kg buckets of natural yogurt in Lidl! And smoked salmon!
And its always lovely to receive a Earl Grey Tea in the mail :) with milk and a teaspoon of honey, delish!

sexta-feira, 20 de junho de 2014

Vianda - The healtiest of breakfasts

With that said, I must explain why am I calling my morning cereals "Vianda".
I learned this word from my grandmother. My grandparents used to have a farm, and their farm had loads of things, and naturally lots of animals. Cows, pigs, sheep, goats, rabbits, turkeys, gee
se, ducks, chickens. I remember at one time having a horse and a donkey, and some swans. That was an happy farm, and that was an happy childhood. 
In my grandmothers kitchen there used to be a big white bucket, that was used has a garbage bin, what would be today's organic waist bin, where all sort of things when, like scraps, peels and leftovers of everything.
I remember my grandmother saying "go give the 'vianda' to the pigs", and in my mind, the word "vianda" was filed has - pig's food.
Later on, when on my vacations in France, the word "viande" came up has the meaning of meat.
And now, that I fluently speak English, I learned that viand means any kind of food.
As a student of languages, I had to go check the etymology of this one out, and it obviously comes from the Latin "To live" -> vivere>vivanda>vivenda

So, when my mother saw my morning cereal, she said "what the heck of 'vianda' is this?", because I prepare it on a big white bucket, with a bunch of different things:
- Wholegrain wheat cereals
- Puffed wheat cereal
- Puffed rice cereal
- Integral Corn flakes
- Muesli with dried fruits
- Wheat bran
- Sesame seeds
- Sunflower seeds
- Chia seeds
- Flaxseeds (Linseeds)
- Oatmeal
- Dark chocolate curls (cause so much bird food needs some flavor).

This "vianda" sure is healthy! And that is why I have it everyday, doesn't matter if is Wednesday or Sunday, if its summer or winter, if I'm getting up at 6am or at 11am. No matter what I always have it.

Even if I don't feel like it, or if I want to eat a different thing, like croissants or yogurt or banana or wtv. If I feel like eating yogurt, I just mix them in the yogurt, and if I want a croissant or a banana or a bread or a boiled egg or beans or wtv, I have them anyway, after my cereals.
No need for extra-vitamins and "Centrum" and "Danacol" and bullocks, if you Seed it up, you Soul it up. And since you're at it, Soil it up too. ;)
The SSS 

quinta-feira, 12 de junho de 2014

How to eco home make

quarta-feira, 28 de maio de 2014

Tarja Turunen - Victim Of Ritual

lack Eyes and hardly breathing
When there's no light
You sacrifice
Alone amongst the living
You lost the fight before the fall

How did you end up in hell?

Hysterical, tragical
Victim of Ritual
Cynical, critical
Victim of ritual
She's a killer, killer
She's a killer, killer

Cold eyes for every sin
They tried to hide in thin disguise
Denied your soul from singing
Her darkest night, the night you died

How did you end up in hell?

Hysterical, tragical
Victim of Ritual
Cynical, critical
Victim of ritual
She's a killer, killer
She's a killer, killer

Pandemonium, where's your heart from?
Pandemonium, where's your heart from?

Very different, but not bad.

Nightwish - She Is My Sin

Take heed, dear heart
Once apart, she can touch nor me nor you
Dressed as one
A wolf will betray a lamb

Lead astray the gazers
The razors on your seducing skin
In the meadow of sinful thoughts
Every flower`s perfect

To paradise with pleasure haunted by fear

A sin for him
Desire within
A burning veil
For the bride too dear for him
A sin for him
Desire within
Fall in love with your deep dark sin

I am the Fallen
You are what my sins enclose
Lust is not as creative
As its discovery

To paradise with pleasure haunted by fear

A sin for him...

Bless me, undress me
Pick your prey in a wicked way
God I must confess...
...I do envy the sinners